Sunday, September 7, 2008


Where is the ADDIEWAGON Coming From and What's Driving it Forward?

We as a team share the following values:
  • We value diversity and open-mindedness. The varied backgrounds and opinions we have ensure that our discussion, projects and deliverables will have complexity, character and subtlety.
  • We value the fostering of positive relationships to promote personal growth, creativity, cooperation and progress in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • We value each other and are considerate of each other as unique individuals as we collaborate, give constructive feedback and share ideas/opinions.
  • We value the circumstances of our colleagues’ lives and understand that there are pressures and demands outside the learning environment. We seek balance in our school, work, family and friends.

Keeping the ADDIEWAGON In Check

Culture and Attitude
  1. We treat each other with respect and value constructive feedback.
  2. Each member accepts responsibility and accountability.
  3. We intend to develop and maintain positive relationships to enhance trust and open and honest communication.
  4. We agree to meet working deadlines and ask for help if it looks like we are unable to meet the deadline.
  5. We will work professionally. No whining or swearing will be tolerated.
  6. Have fun! Enjoy the process of learning from each other’s experiences and strengths.

Team Meetings - everybody on the same station

  1. We acknowledge the need to meet for live messaging, as needed and commit to attending such meetings when an agreed date and time has been established.
  2. Team members will notify other members if they will be unable to attend a meeting or unable to contribute to discussion forum for more than a day or two.
  3. No responsibilities will be assigned unless the person assigned the responsibility accepts it.

Communication, Organization and Decision Making -

  1. We post thoughts according to the already established heading topics in the discussion forum and we think very carefully before a new one needs to be created.
  2. Each person is given the chance to speak without being rundown or belittled.
  3. We will all contribute and emphasize balanced participation from all team members.
  4. We will allow sufficient time to submit ideas so other members can comment and make suggestions.
  5. When we pose an issue or problem, we will also try to present a solution.
  6. We will adhere to the conflict resolution protocols when there is a dispute between members.
  7. We will mutually commit to our team’s objectives as stated in the team charter.

We've got our minds on eternity...

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